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Wednesday 4 May 2022


The continuity errors and how it was made unnoticeable.

Each and every filmmaker works hard to deliver good movie .Their insecure feel increases if they see their continuity errors in the edit if you are director and you made a mistake don't panic,there are some survival tricks and this article will help you to learn .

Beginner or experienced that doesn't matter mistakes can be done by any director i give you examples from your highly loved movies.

First one is "Transformers-Dark of the moon". Most of the people seen the highway chase scene plenty of times but i am sure that most people never aware of any continuity errors.

In this scene first they the missed spatial continuity which is the establishment of the geography.

For maintaining spatial quantity for place and character position 180 degree rule is used


A circle has 360 degrees after recording a shot cinematographer can shoot from anywhere inside the semicircle where he shot the first shot and he should not position the camera in other semicircle to capture because doing that will collapse establishment  and distract the

audience.If a person runs from left to right then that action should follow in other shots.

If the 180 degree rule is not followed then the person will appear running from right to left which will make the audience to think that the person is going back to the place where he started in the scene.In this scene they had totally crossed the line of action .Even that is not the big issue over here.The issue is they changed the whole set just notice the direction of the board.It was upside down position in before shot .

Now it is straight.After the parallel jump of the cars you can see board is facing us it is supposed to face the other direction .

There is also logic error that the direction of the travel is changed.From the picture you can see the actual direction of cars,how the consecutive shots need to be shown and how it is shown .The problem here is not only the 180 degree rule there is also logic error in the direction of the cars which were jumped from the sign board .These two cars needed to follow the first car but they were moving illogically in other direction but when you are watching the movie in theater you may not notice it .

Another example from one of the most loved movie "The dark knight".Notice the clean floor .

In later shots you can see the junk on the floor.

Notice the dead person under the van.

Now he is not there.Audience can extremely engage with the movie if the mood,emotional impact on audience and presentation of story is mastered perfectly.

They will miss the continuity errors if they engaged more.In addition to the mood set and story the eye for noticing will become blind totally if the temporal continuity is wisely handled.

Temporal continuity of the dominant subject in the frame creates illusion of continuation .Other than edit even the best performance and attractive visuals will engage audience to the core ..

So don't feel insecure because of your accidental mistakes.Other than overthinking your mistakes work wisely to make your story presentation better. Continuity errors can be made unnoticeable if we made audience to get engaged with

    Emotional impact
    Attractive visuals,temporal
    Continuity performances of character.

If the continuity errors are noticeable more then the only solution is sending the shot to the vfx or you need to go for reshoot which will cost you a lot of money .

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Watch the video to get clear idea.

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